Participating in a weekend seminar, I was lucky enough to have one of my own horses to work on who, at the time, was in a rehab programme. Being a stoic horse, he had been going through the rehab without complaining, but whilst working alongside his parasympathetic nervous system, it gave me a greater understanding of what areas he was still holding tension in. I went home and tried the techniques on my other horse and was just blown away by his reactions: the change in him not only physically but emotionally has been staggering! His is a very long, complex story, but it’s thanks to both of my boys that I completed the course work and practical training and became a Masterson Method®️ Certified Practitioner (MMCP).

My equine activities span 40 years: from my first pony and untouched Shetland to my current three, one of whom I have bred.
Throughout these years I have gained valuable experience and knowledge working in a variety of yards and with different disciplines, including stud work and handling show-jumping and endurance stallions.
I spent 12 years managing a local equestrian shop, where I gained a thorough grounding in nutrition, feeding, supplements, worming and tack.

Biomechanics and rehabilitation are my passion, whether for a competition horse or family pony. I am always observing how the horse moves and how this impacts patterns of movement or behaviour. I analyse everything and want to know how I can improve these things. The Masterson Method®️ complements this and has added a new dimension to my work.
Like most horse owners, I have had my fair share of rehabbing, both my own and clients’ horses, but I always felt there was something else I could be doing to help the horses alongside the rehabilitation plan and groundwork exercises. This is how I came to certify in the Masterson Method®️.